El niño se pasaba días enteros jugando. Con piezas de madera construía caminos para que sus muñequtios los recorrieran. Inventaba mil recorridos posibles, los cruzaba, uno pasaba por encima del otro, subían, bajaban… era su juego preferido, elegir el destino y el camino de esas pequeñas figuritas.
El niño creció y poco a poco se fue haciendo la idea de que él también era un muñequito y que su vida y la de sus semejantes un camino de piezas de madera que se entrecruzan.
Lo que más le aterra es pensar en el niño pequeño y caprichoso que está detrás de su vida y su destino.
The boy would spend entire days playing with wooden pieces, where he would build paths for his little toys to cross. He would devise thousands of these pathways, where he would cross his little toys over or have them go over one another and go up and down it .To choose the destiny and pathway of these small toys was his favourite game.
The boy grew up and little by little he came to realise that he was also a small toy and that his life and those who surrounded him was like the path of wooden toys that would be manipulated by another.
Now, what the ‘boy’ is most fearful of is of that small and spoilt boy that controls his life and his destiny.